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Dialogue Mentors

Darcy Wharton, Dialogue Mentor

Darcy has served as an active mentor in DynamicDialogue since 2016. Her clients are individuals (primarily in retirement) who seek to engage the practice of dialogue to live more peacefully within their families, friends, and faith communities.  She is also interested in clients who are parents and are seeking to build a strong foundation in dialogue with their children.
Originally trained through the two-year practicum, Darcy also facilitates a monthly Community of Practice in DynamicDialogue . Since she sees dialogue as a spiritual practice, she is currently in the formation process for spiritual direction and hopes to incorporate dialogue work into her future spiritual direction practice. After initially working with children as an elementary school teacher, for the past 20 years she has served full time in ministry. She is now serving as the Coordinator of Adult Faith Formation at SS. Peter & Paul Catholic Church in Rocklin. She and her husband are parents of three young adult daughters. Darcy's hobbies include volunteer work, reading, assisting her husband with home wine-making, and spending time in nature. 

Debbie Baker, Dialogue Facilitator, Dialogue Mentor

Debbie is a graduate of the 2-year dialogue practicum and a certified DynamicDialogue mentor. Since 2014, she has worked with a variety of audiences to help them develop their inherent gifts of peaceful presence, authentic relationship and inspired creativity. As a mentor, she helps others to become aware of their quality of presence and engagement; focusing on ways to move past default defensiveness, and mindfully honoring how we are all truly interdependent. 

Joan Byard, Dialogue Mentor 

Joan’s scholastic training in the sciences coupled with her passion for all of Creation led her to fashion a continuing 4-decade career of service to the creatures among us and the humans who hold them dear. The work bringing her most joy has been tending to the ‘in-between places’—bridging the gap experienced between veterinary professionals and all the wonderful medicine that science has to offer, and the animals’ health needs and their devoted caregivers at home.  Dialogue work is the bridging tool that brings these together in powerful and life-changing ways.
Joan graduated with the 2014 Dialogue Practicum class – a 2-year intensive training, and has participated in many 4-day DynamicDialogue workshops.  She continues to be active in ongoing communities of dialogue practices, continuing education, and has had extensive Mentor training.  Joan’s mentoring skills are expanded through intensive training in the art of Spiritual Direction, as well as her years of receiving and offering personal Spiritual Direction.  Her broad-based faith is deeply rooted in lived recovery spirituality.  
These learned core practice skills and ways of being offer a rich ground from which to navigate as a DynamicDialogue mentor in the sometimes turbulent waters of family and/or organizational dynamics and interpersonal relationships.

John C. Johnson, Dialogue Mentor

Native to Northern California where he obtained higher education, accumulated over 25 years of professional experience and successfully raised three sons with his wife, John has held membership on nine nonprofit Boards of Directors. With extensive education, training and certifications in organizational psychology, social work and leadership, John is eager to collaborate with Bread of Life to bring DynamicDialogue tools to the workplace. In particular, John focuses on organizations in healthcare and social services.
John welcomes referrals through Bread of Life.

Ken Murphy, Dialogue Mentor

Ken was raised and educated in the Roman Catholic tradition, served in the United States military, and has recently retired from his law practice. He volunteered as a teacher in a voluntary Catholic religious education program for public middle school and later worked with organizations that promote healthy marriages, charity, health, education, and financial stability in all communities. He is dedicated to supporting spiritual growth and social justice with respect for all creation.
Ken believes DynamicDialogue has enlivened and enriched all aspects of his life with an increased capacity for real human connection – with Creator, self, family and friends and the world we are called to serve. He looks forward to working with all who are seeking to recognize and enhance the multitude of relationships in which we live and upon which we depend.

Mary Richardson, Dialogue Facilitator, Dialogue Mentor

Mary is a certified DynamicDialogue mentor and holds a Masters in Psychology/Organization Development from Sonoma State University. She has been consulting in the field for 25 years. Mary works with congregations and non-profit organizations, using the Dialogue practice to deepen leadership and communication tools.

Roseanne Lopez, Dialogue Facilitator, Dialogue Mentor

Roseanne is a Certified Management Consultant with more than 30 years’ experience working for, or providing specialized consulting to, a broad array of clients. She assists clients who have a desire to create change and improve their operations through their strategy, technology, and people. She understands how organizations work from strategy to operations.  She has been at the executive level for technology and audit firms and leading consulting practices, and was formerly a Partner with Deloitte & Touche where she was responsible for leading a West Coast consulting practice. Her clients have included government, utilities, not-for-profit, education, and tribal organizations, as well as private sector entities.
Roseanne completed the two-year dialogue practicum and is a certified DynamicDialogue mentor. Her broad experience provides her with a broad perspective to serve as a mentor to individuals. 

Talib Huff, Dialogue Facilitator, Dialogue Mentor

As a certified Dialogue presenter, Talib is also active as a mentor for individuals who are looking to develop and deepen their dialogue skills. He has mentored government workers, practicum students, and private clients, helping them to apply the DynamicDialogue core principles and ways of being to challenging situations in their lives and workplaces. 

Copyright (c) 2025 DynamicDialogue®. All rights reserved.
DynamicDialogue® is a program owned and operated by Bread of Life, a community-benefit educational 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.