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Two-Year Practicum Study

Being, Learning, Growing, Integrating as a Dialogue-Centered Community

For those who have been introduced and have started practicing the principles and the skills of DynamicDialogue® and would like to get more immersed in it, we offer a two-year Practicum to further develop and integrate the skills, awareness and knowledge needed to effectively implement dialogue in organizational and personal settings.

This program focuses on skill and practice-building with a much larger array of tools, techniques and experiential learning practices that contribute towards personal mastery in dialogue. You bring real-life issues and situations; we bring you the tools to navigate them with dialogue.

The Practicum is: 

* An experiential group learning process designed to assist in developing the skills, knowledge and practical experience of DynamicDialogue. It includes practical and theoretical work, one-on-one mentoring and peer group learning with multiple monthly opportunities for practice, reflection and engagement. The Practicum offers opportunities to work and practice in participants' local professional, community, and relational settings throughout the two-year program.

Why You May Choose to Enter the Practicum

Some may enter the course with the intention of bringing their skill development to current work, family, volunteer, or other situations. Others may enter with a desire to become a trainer or facilitator in this process.

Beginning a Practicum

A new two-year Practicum starts with an opening gathering April 1 to 4, 2019. To learn more about the purpose, design, main components and other details of this program, please click here to download the Practicum Brochure.
If you are ready to apply now, the application form is available here. Please note that the application deadline is February 15th, 2019.
If you still have questions after reading through the program materials, please contact Jean Holsten by email or by calling (916) 648-1803, Ext. 11.

Here's what graduates from the Practicum are saying about the impact of the program on their lives:

"It occurs to me that the practice of DynamicDialogue is more important now than since I began the practice in 2010. Having attended several four-day retreats in three different settings and communities, two workshops, and two religious community business meetings, I admit that I am still finding my way in the practice. I am very committed to the personal as well as organizational practice of Dialogue.

As a marriage and family therapist, I teach aspects of Dialogue to couples and families. As a spiritual director, I teach aspects of Dialogue to help folks listen to themselves as well as the voices deep in the well that cry to be heard and surfaced. As a husband, I flail around until compassionate awareness makes itself evident, and the rest of the practice kicks into gear. As a friend, colleague, mentor and human among humans, I believe Dialogue to be a reliable tool kit as well as a grounding spiritual practice for conscious living."

Michael Tompkins

"The dialogue program has been truly transformative for me. It has led me to see myself and others in a much kinder and gentler way and to engage people accordingly. What I most love about the program is that there is nothing mechanical about it--it has freed me up to change from a place deep inside myself--from my soul. I am especially grateful for how well thought through the program is and how we've been gifted with wisdom and understanding to last a lifetime."

Jane Rabin

"How Dialogue has benefited me? More to the point, how (or where) has it not benefited me? When someone mentions awareness, I say to myself, yes, I practice that, too. When someone talks about compassion, I say to myself, yes, I practice that too. I practice seeing and experiencing the inter-connectedness of all. And I practice. It is not a skill or a competency, although yes, those attributes are a part of this. It is a practice. I have a cohort, a Community of Practice, which supports me in my practice. It is the presence of this practice, and my practice of presence, which benefit me continuously."

Mary Richardson

Copyright (c) 2025 DynamicDialogue®. All rights reserved.
DynamicDialogue® is a program owned and operated by Bread of Life, a community-benefit educational 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization.